25 November 2006

Digital Natives vs. Digital Immigrants

I'll have to talk about digital/media competency and internet 2.0 , among other topics one of these days ...

Well ... digital natives vs. digital immigrants.


There are those who do not agree with Prensky's analogy of natives/immigrants. However, it is an interesting concept and one we need to understand as you may come across it at some point.

I heard the phrase DIGITAL NATIVES and thought it was a catchy idea. However, I started searching more and found that there are those who refute Prensky's idea. So, I discovered it is far from being a widely accepted concept. This does, however, not necessarily invalidate his ideas or the discussions they may promote.

(eu comecei a escrever este blog em inglês e penso em continuar fazê-lo ... mas posso responder a perguntas em português ou ler comentários feitos em português, portanto, estejam à vontade!)

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