29 November 2006

Drowning in Email Junk?

I thought that junk mail was bad enough, but it's getting worse! Are you getting those large file attachments of funny films an powerpoint presentations that you friends find so amusing that they just HAVE to pass them on to you?? I had to start asking people to use an alternative address that I didn't use as a POP account ... (then I just delete it later without looking at it!)

Question - with all the email out there, as educators who want to keep in touch with our students using new technologies, what are our options? Very often our emails are lost amongst the junk in the students' inboxes.

Well ... a blog might be an answer for some ... create a blog where you can post to your students; they can comment to. Or, have them participate in a class blog that promotes interaction within the group.

As for the junk problem I mentioned ... I posted the link to a site with some simple advice.

Increasingly, users are suffering from Email Overload, when they receive so much mail that handling it becomes a major task. Here are a few pointers on how this task can be made easier.

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